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Wednesday, 21 September 2016


Cultural/Costume Review:

The movie Avatar (2009) was a success on many levels. Another James Cameron classic if you will. This movie broke the boundaries when it came to costumes and makeup. For starters, the glaringly obvious, its majority CGI. That is what makes this movie such a ground breaking platform for the costume world. Gone was the need for hours of makeup before shooting, and gone is the need for expensive special effect makeup! Instead, use of Advanced Motion Capture, fitted to both the body and on the heads of the actors makes for one of the most realistic displays of human features on an alien movie character.  The skull caps with small facial cameras, captured every single little emotion that was displayed by the actors, down to eye twitches and inhalation of breath.

Another aspect that is of great interest to me personally, (as this movie doesn't have much physical makeup), is the cultural messages and trends in the movie. Around its release in 2009, world talks of environmental issues were high. The movie embodied the message of "save the trees", but it was the message of Native vs. Settlers that really grabbed my attention. Although somewhat obvious with its delivery, the not-so-subtle message is wonderful. The domination of the military and the mining company in a land that visibly shows all its natural/magical wonders, highlights the plight of native people, and the protection of their land/culture/way of life.

Over all, Avatar is a dramatic, meaningful movie, that makes the most of 2009's technological advances. Not my favourite in terms of makeup, but love the story.
See you next week!
Bella xx