The Notebook
Oh sweet baby jesus. Vanii, you have wounded me so. The Notebook is not only a romantic favourite among LIKE EVERYONE, but is especially loved by romantic saps such as myself. Putting aside the obviously FABULOUS story and the AMAZING chemistry between Ryan (hot man) Gosling and Rachel McAdams, the attention to detail in terms of costume and cultural influence, are phenomenal.
(SPOILER ALERT for any of you weird people that have yet to watch this tear jerker *cough* Vanii *cough* ).
The movies elderly couple, are infact older versions of Noah and Allie. Allie, who is now suffering from dementia and Noah, who is trying desperately to reach the memories of his wife by reading her their love story. In the scenes with the older Noah & Allie, costume detail is based on portraying the characters as people who have aged and grown, but have also held on to their "old-timey" roots. the clothes are modern, but classic. Allie especially still looks regal and of the upper class.
The cultural aspect of this movie is of course, the separation of classes. Rich vs Poor. Allie and Noah are initially separated by this tribulation but as the movie ends, we see that they over come this. I love the fact that this movie has the girl running after the boy #feminism. She's the rich girl, who believes she's been scorned (FYI its her mothers fault), but still pursues her heart to get the boy *awww*. It's done in a way that even watching the movie in 2016, the story line is still relatable to many people, not just in the literal class divide, but also representing the differences in todays modern romances.
Anyways, Vanii, I cry every time I watch this movie. Its a timeless classic of love, overcoming adversity and sticking it to the end. YOU COLD, COLD WOMAN.
Bella xx